McAdoo House Landmark Nomination Presentation
An online presentation to the Bothell Landmarks Preservation Board of the nomination application for the historic McAdoo House, designed by Benjamin F. McAdoo Jr., Washington state's first license black Architect.
Date: September 26, 2023 Attendance: 10+
Capitol Hill Modern Walking Tour
An outdoor guided tour of Capitol Hill’s most exceptional Mid-Century Modern apartments built between 1948 and 1970. The tour explored the people who designed, built, and lived in these buildings, why these buildings are exceptional, both architecturally and historically, and why documenting them is important. The tour included a rare opportunity to walk through the verdant courtyard of Camellia Manor and the unique skylight-atrium inside the Cirque Apartments.
Dates: Oct 24, Nov 21, and Dec 5, 2021 Attendance: 60+
Capitol Hill Modern
An online presentation sponsored by Docomomo WEWA and Capitol Hill Historical Society and co-presented with photographer Lana Blinderman about our effort to document Mid-Century Modern multifamily architecture on Capitol Hill.
Date: April 20, 2021 Attendance: 90
Benjamin F. McAdoo Jr. - Architect on Capitol Hill
An online presentation on the life and career of Capitol Hill based architect Benjamin F. McAdoo Jr. This presentation was given for the Capitol Hill Historical Society annual members meeting celebrating black history month.
Date: February 27, 2021 Attendance: 45
Q&A Panel On The Hill With A Future & Capitol Hill History
An online Q&A panel discussion conducted over Zoom with local authors Jackie Williams, Nan Little, and Rob Ketcherside moderatored by Karen Allman of Elliott Bay Book Company about Capitol Hill history and Jackie's book The Hill With A Future, the only book devoted exclusively to Capitol Hill history.
In the fall of 2019, Capitol Hill Historical Society republished The Hill With A Future for the first time since it went out of print shortly after its first run in 2001
Date: August 16, 2020 Attendance: 52
Wind of Change: A Photo at the beginning and edge of Capitol Hill
A co-presentation with historian Rob Ketcherside at the Capitol Hill Historical Society 3rd Annual Holiday Party for which we used a variety of sources in order to identify each of the structures captured within a rare, 1902 photo from which tales of water scarcity, wandering cows, high society, and political graft emerged.
Date: December 14, 2019 Attendance: 15
Millionaire's Row Walking Tour
Located on 14th Avenue East from East Prospect to East Roy, Millionaire's Row was once the private and exclusive residence district for developer James Moore, the founder of Seattle's Capitol Hill, and many of Seattle's leading businessmen. This tour, organized in partnership with some of the row's current residents, offered an unprecedented look at these homes including in depth histories and descriptions of each of the row's 24 houses in addition to an inside look at two of the row's houses and the historical background leading to the row's creation.
Date: December 1, 2019 Attendance: 50 (two tours)
(Photos are from the first tour)
History and Horror: Tragedies and Creepy Coincidences in Capitol Hill History
Description: At a meeting and luncheon for the Rainier Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution I presented a series of some of the more harrowing tales I've come across over the years involving death, betrayal, deception, and recalcitrance in addition to accounts of my own strange experiences in the pursuit of history and preservation.
Date: October 8, 2019 Attendance: 45
History of the Flemington Apartments
A full history and tour of the Flemington Apartments located at 906 E John St, Seattle, WA. This presentation included histories of building's construction, original owner, architect, and its most significant commercial occupants.
Date: September 29, 2019 Attendance: 19
Seattle Prohibition Book Talk (Capitol Hill edition)
A co-presentation at Elliot Bay Book Company with Seattle historian and collector Brad Holden author of Seattle Prohibition: Bootleggers, Rumrunners and Graft in the Queen City. Our presentation focused on the Prohibition Era history of Seattle’s Capitol Hill with photos and stories about our city’s most notorious moonshiners and bootleggers and those trying to enforce the law.
Date: July 8, 2019 Attendance: 45
Rentals To Radiators: Auto Row's Oldest Building from 1899 to Today
A co-presentation with historian Rob Ketcherside at the Capitol Hill Historical Society 2nd Annual Holiday Party. This presentation covered the history of a small rental home (since demolished) at 953 E Union Street that was expanded and converted to commercial use in 1919 as a radiator repair shop.
Date: December 15, 2018 Attendance: 30
The Story Behind Seattle's Smallest Property
An on-site television interview for King 5 Evening Magazine about a small triangular piece of property located at the intersection of 12th Avenue, East Union Street, and East Madison Street whose creation was a result of regrading and street widening in the early 20th century. (Link to the video)
Date: July 4, 2017